Doctor Strange 2 Almost Brings a Magneto Cameo!

 Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) was already released a few months ago. Even so, the discussion about this Marvel superhero film is still warm until now. In fact, it was recently revealed that the film, directed by Sam Raimi, almost featured the figure of Erik Lehnsherr ailas Magneto in one of its scenes.


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Shortly after its release, there were rumors that Doctor Strange 2 cut a scene featuring Magneto's figure. The actor involved as Magneto in this film is rumored to be Michael Fassbender who appeared in the X-Men prequel series . However, this rumor was refuted because there were no deleted scenes at all showing Magneto's figure.

Apart from this, Richie Palmer as the producer of Marvel Studios said that there had been talks to bring Magneto in the film. However, this plan failed because according to Palmer, the presence of Magneto in the film would reduce the viewing experience.

Doctor Strange 2 Almost Brings a Magneto Cameo!

Doctor Strange 2 Almost Brings a Magneto Cameo! Via Special

"I'm not saying those things (Magneto's presence) never come up in the discussion, but I think when you start talking about Magneto and explaining Mutants, I think the presence of the Illuminati in this film is pretty clear. To explain more about it, I think it will reduce the viewing experience," said Richie Palmer in an interview with the Empire Podcast .


Palmer further explained that in the Illuminati or Earth-838 universe there is Professor X, so it is possible that there are mutants in the same universe. That way, it could be that Magneto actually exists on Earth-838, it's just that it's not explained further in the film because it will ruin the viewing experience.


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